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CLIL teaching materials for developing 21st century competences | CLIL-Lehrmaterialien für die Entwicklung von Schlüsselkompetenzen des 21. Jahrhunderts – Expert meeting (Graz, 27-29 February 2024)

Author: Catherine Seewald/04 March 2024/Categories: Show on front page, project news, ECML programme 2024-2027, CLIL teaching materials for 21st century competences

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Experts: Lies Sercu, coordinator (KU Leuven, Belgium), Alberto Fernández Costales (University of Oviedo, Spain), Julia Hüttner (University of Wien, Austria), Eva Olsson (University of Göteborg, Sweden)


The project’s main aim is to create CLIL teaching materials for different language and subject combinations that will help secondary school learners to develop the 21st century competences needed to engage critically with the type of global challenges addressed through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At the end of the meeting the following results were attained:

  • an ordered list of UN sustainability goals: which topics will work best with the age groups targeted by the project, i.e. 15-18 year-olds
  • an ordered list of 21st century competences and European competences for democratic culture to be developed via the teaching materials
  • a list of criteria to be observed when developing quality CLIL materials
  • sample lesson scenarios that integrate the teaching of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the 21st century competences and a foreign language
  • a decision on topics and languages for which teaching materials will be developed between February-May and June-September 2024
  • a decision on the template for lesson development (learner materials) and a description for teachers
  • a provisional structure for a teacher’s guide


The project "CLIL teaching materials for developing 21st century competences | CLIL-Lehrmaterialien für die Entwicklung von Schlüsselkompetenzen des 21. Jahrhunderts" (2024-2026) is one of the eight projects conducted within the framework of the ECML Programme 2024-2027 "Language education at the heart of democracy". The current programme focuses primarily on activities to support and further develop the wellbeing, resilience and competences of all those working in the field, so that they in turn can empower their learners. In this way, it aims to transform language education into a vibrant force at the core of democratic ideals.


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